Animal Crackers

Animal crackers

Animal crackers

“Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time.” – Henry Beston I grew up in a pet-less household, and despite reading Black Beauty, Dr. Doolittle, and Beatrix Potter, I regarded animals as...

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Grasshopper, I’m feeling a bit antsy

Grasshopper, I’m feeling a bit antsy

"Do not go in fear, Grasshopper." -- Kung Fu You've heard of Aseop, right? Greek dude? Lived around 600 BC? Wrote fables, like the one about the Ant and the Grasshopper? Okay, I'll remind you. The Ants spend all summer trundling food to their storehouse, using...

How not to be acquired by a cat

How not to be acquired by a cat

Yes, I know. You think you are wise in the ways of not being acquired by a cat. You avoid pet shops and cat-themed videos on YouTube. When visiting cat-acquired friends you avert your eyes from the walking furballs. (The cats. It’s okay to look at your friends.) But...