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How to remodel a bathroom

How to remodel a bathroom

"Please," I hear you crying, "I don't want to remodel a bathroom! Don't make me!" No, wait. Maybe that's me. So here's your escape clause: don't buy a house. Lots of people are lifelong tenants, even in countries that use phrases like "pride of ownership." In exchange...

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Cleanliness is next to impossible

Cleanliness is next to impossible

What’s that you say? My house is looking a bit grubby? Look, I'm busy writing here. And it's time the cat started earning her keep. Luna, come here! Now, just swish your tail over these crumbs on the floor and -- There goes Luna through the pet door. I guess it's down...

Framed! Although slightly crooked

Framed! Although slightly crooked

“There is nothing like being hanged in a fortnight to concentrate the mind,” wrote Samuel Johnson. Or, as he might also have written, “There is nothing like having your house on a Historic Homes Tour to send you repeatedly to Home Depot.” On Sunday, May 15, about 450...

Jane Austen, meet the Beatles

Jane Austen, meet the Beatles

It's the autumn of 1978 and I've just moved into a flat in Liverpool. A new friend is watching while I unpack my books. After sorting them by genre (novels, poetry, plays, biography, criticism, history), I start to alphabetize the fiction by the authors' last names....