
Every call you take, every call you make

Every call you take, every call you make

“The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruled late Monday that the National Security Agency may temporarily resume its once-secret program that systematically collects records of Americans’ domestic phone calls in bulk.” – New York Times, June 30, 2015 [Dials the...

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I’ve got a fever, please hold the hay

I’ve got a fever, please hold the hay

That time of year thou may'st in me behold When handkerchiefs, and tissues too, do hang Upon this nose that drools, producing coughs, Harsh hacking coughs, where late my sweet voice sang. Okay, “sweet voice” is a lie. When I sing, I sound like a cross between Bob...

The naked gorilla test

The naked gorilla test

“You know you’re a real San Franciscan if you don’t even react when you see a naked person walking on the street.” – from a post on the SFGate Blog Here's a true story about “the City,” as everyone in the Bay Area calls San Francisco. (“So what’s Oakland then,” asked...

Cleanliness is next to impossible

Cleanliness is next to impossible

What’s that you say? My house is looking a bit grubby? Look, I'm busy writing here. And it's time the cat started earning her keep. Luna, come here! Now, just swish your tail over these crumbs on the floor and -- There goes Luna through the pet door. I guess it's down...

A ring-side view of The Ring

A ring-side view of The Ring

Hello! I’m the Ring from Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung. Four operas named after me and I still haven’t got my own Facebook page! But that will change with this blog post: the story of my life. Trouble in River City Picture an innocent young nugget of gold,...

Must-see “reality” TV

Must-see “reality” TV

Reality TV shows: some people love to watch them; others would rather have their eyes poked out with chopsticks and served on rice to Rupert Murdoch. Do I fall into the second category? No, I leap into it and pull it around me, looking out for impending chopsticks....