Signs of the Times

Every call you take, every call you make

Every call you take, every call you make

“The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruled late Monday that the National Security Agency may temporarily resume its once-secret program that systematically collects records of Americans’ domestic phone calls in bulk.” – New York Times, June 30, 2015 [Dials the...

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Learning to go faux

Learning to go faux

There were three magazines my dentist's waiting room: the current issue of Showplaces; a dog-eared copy of People (“Robert Pattison Bares All!”); and a new publication, Consumer’s Guide to Sex (“CGS Rates the Vibrators”). So I picked up Showplaces. “For his Telegraph...

Let’s review the situation

Let’s review the situation

In order to write this "musical" I had to pick a pocket or two. I chose Lionel Bart’s pocket where I found his musical "Oliver." The serfs in my musical are working people. Rich Man (spoken) Please, serfs, I want some more. Tune: "Oliver" Serfs Oligarch, oligarch,...

How do I tweet thee? Let me count the ways

How do I tweet thee? Let me count the ways

I got on Twitter because of Eddie Izzard’s feet. Allow me to ’splain, as Desi used to say to Lucy. As a member of C.L.A.M. -- Chronic Late Adopters Mob -- I had just discovered the actor/comedian when he started running 7 weeks of marathons around the UK for the...